I am enjoying sewing so much and supposed to be very happy but why am I so frustrated ?!
2.5 hrs class a week is not enough to satisfy my obsession for sewing. I don't like Wednesday because I have to wait SIX more days until next sewing class !!!
Renting a sewing machine is pricy. You can actually buy one for 1 week rental. (I've got a machine which needs to be fixed but awaiting for mum to visit me....it's complicated !)
Then I thought about the idea of "Sewing Cafe" like "an internet cafe". I googled. Someone else also had the same frustration as I do. I found it in London, Paris and Berlin but NOT in Sydney!
Please someone make one or should I start one ?
in London...

in Paris... Their mantra : "Less buying - more trying!"

A new cafe in Paris with a definitely new twist- renting sewing machines by the hour. How brilliant and innovative! I for one would make good use of this as I always seem to have trouble with my sewing machine that gets dragged out of the closet every few months - or years in some cases. Do I remember how to thread the bobbin? What is the little trick I need to remember so the thread doesn't break? Is it at the correct tension? The list goes on. And there are many things I would sew if I could scoot off to the Sweatshop Cafe and not have to fret over my own machine that probably needs oiling, cleaning and other things I do not want to deal with for a one hour sew.